““Good education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.””
We provide our Flourish Tutoring program tailored to suit infants and primary classrooms. We travel to your school, work in your classroom, collaborate with your teachers and use your available resources. Our program focuses on helping students and teachers identify weaknesses and strengths, and then shows teachers how to encourage students to use their strengths by building new neural pathways. The Flourish program improves self esteem, emotional resilience and scholastic performance, which also has the wonderful benefit of improving the classroom culture and reducing the need for behaviour management. You can understand more about our philosophy and approach by checking out our RESOURCES.
* listen to the classroom teacher ... because we know he or she knows the children best
* together with the classroom teacher, we devise a program that best suits the class AND the classroom teacher
* team teach with the classroom teacher, so the kids see that their teacher is both enthusiastic and skilled in the program
* give contact details to the teacher so that they can call their own Flourish Tutor directly (the one they've talked to, taught with and who knows the kids in their class)
* decide on a visitation program where we return to catch up with the teacher and/or the kids
* provide opportunity to be part of the Flourish Community, receive articles, resources and tips (no boring stuff, we promise)
* Potentially gather together once a year at a conference (Ok. That's a bit of a dream of ours and isn't happening quite yet ... but a goal is a good thing, especially when it's about gathering dedicated teachers together!) :)
* suggest or demonstrate a program that is impossible for one teacher to do with 30 kids in the class
* demonstrate a program that requires expensive resources
* suggest activities that require the teacher to spend lots of time re-training (like learning to speak French or juggle!)
* abandon you after our visit
Interested in TEACHER TRAINING? We provide all sorts of teacher support: for individual teachers, principals and across the staff. Topics include classroom management, differentiating the curriculum, collaborating with parents and many more. Click right to see more on how we can assist with teacher training at your school.
To discuss the options for your school further, please contact us. We are happy to visit your school and learn more about your context and how we can help. An initial visit attracts no charge and there is no obligation.